Our History

Riding shotgun on turn-of-the century stagecoaches isn’t the kind of activity that springs to mind when you think of human service. However, according to some old publications, protecting stagecoach drivers and passengers was one of the services that the early Volunteers of America performed in Oklahoma. The organization had a presence here when the state was still part of Indian Territory in the early 1900s.

The belief that local people know best how to serve local needs is a philosophy to which Volunteers of America remains true. From the Tulsa headquarters, Volunteers of America Oklahoma has expanded services and community outreach to our other locations in Oklahoma City, Muskogee and Bernice.

Volunteers of America Oklahoma provides affordable housing to those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, with specialized residential care for individuals with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Volunteers of America serves the homeless population of Oklahoma by helping individuals in obtaining permanent supportive housing and assisting those individuals with managing their income through our Payee Services Program.

Volunteers of America Oklahoma also helps senior citizens through a variety of programs. We provide affordable housing for low-income seniors in the Oklahoma City, Kingfisher, Choctaw and Broken Arrow areas and in Kansas. Our Muskogee office’s Retired Senior Volunteer Program (R.S.V.P.) provides people over 55 with opportunities to volunteer in their community.

Volunteers of America Oklahoma’s Veterans Employment Services is working to help veterans experiencing homelessness with occupational, classroom and on-the-job training, as well as job search and placement assistance including follow-up services. VOA Oklahoma Veterans Employment Services is offered in Oklahoma City and Tulsa.

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